Constituted as 2d Bombardment Division on 30 Aug 1943. Activated in England on 13 Sep 1943. Assigned to Eighth AF. Redesignated 2d Air Division in Dec 1944. Served in combat in the European theater from Sep 1943 until Apr 1945 Moved to the US in Jun 1945. Disbanded on 28 Aug 1945.
Organized in Germany on 1 Jun 1949. Assigned to United States Air Forces in Europe as a fighter-bomber organization. Discontinued in Germany on 7 May 1951.
Activated in Germany on 20 Apr 1953. Assigned to United States Air Forces in Europe. Was inadequately manned and had no combat components assigned. Transferred, without personnel and equipment, to Saudi Arabia in Mar 1954. Manned in the spring of 1954, but had no combat components assigned. Supervised USAF facilities in Saudi Arabia.
Wings. 2d Bombardment: 1943-1945. 14th Bombardment: 1943-1945. 20th Bombardment: 1943-1945. 36th Fighter: 1949-1951. 65th Fighter: 1944-1945. 86th Fighter: 1949-1951. 93d Bombardment: 1943-1944. 96th Bombardment: 1944-1945.
Stations. Horsham St Faith, England, 13 Sep 1943; Ketteringham Hall, England, c. 10 Dec 1943-c. 22 Jun 1945; Sioux Falls AAFld, SD, c. 3 Jul-28 Aug 1945. Wiesbaden, Germany, 1 Jun 1949; Landsberg, Germany, 10 Jun 1949-7 May 1951. Ramstein, Germany, 20 Apr 1953-1 Mar 1954; Dhafiran, Saudi Arabia, 1 Mar 1954-.
Commanders. Brig Gen James P Hodges, 13 Sep 1943; Brig Gen Edward J Timberlake Jr, 16 Sep 1943; Maj Gen James P Hodges, 4 Oct 1943; Maj Gen William E Kepner, 1 Aug 1944; Brig Gen Walter R Peck, 10 May 1945; Col Harry McGee, c. 1 Jun 1945-unkn. Brig Gen Thomas C Darcy, 1 Jun 1949-May 1951. Brig Gen Orrin L Grover, 1 Mar 1954; Col George W Humbrecht, 13 Apr 1955; Brig Gen George F Schlatter, 27 Jun 1955-.
Campaigns. Air Offensive, Europe; Normandy; Northern France; Rhineland; Ardennes-Alsace; Central Europe.
Decorations. None.
Insigne. Shield: Azure (dark blue) double bordered or and of the first (light blue) a stylized wing of the second, charged with two Doric columns, architrave and base all outlined of the first. (Approved 14 Oct 1954.)
Data from Air Force Combat Units of World War II By Maurer, Maurer, Published 1986
Most of these documents have been transcribed from official unit documents without corrections. Some material was difficult to read and transcribe, sometimes this is noted in the transcription. Spelling was not corrected. Documents are not meant to be a complete record, they are only what has been reasonbly-readable. Only document formatting may have been altered to enable better viewing on a web page with multiple devices.
1. Commanders:
Major General J. P. Hodges, 22 Aug ’42 to 1 Aug ’44
Major General W.E. Kepner, 1 Aug ’44 to 13 May ’45
Brig. General W.R. Peck, 13 May ’45 to 31 May ‘45
11. Narrative:
1. The 2d Air Division, originating as the 2d Bombardment Wing evolving into the 2d Bombardment Division before attaining its present status, was activated at Detrick Field, Md., per G.O. No. 21, paragraph 1, dated 7 June 1942, Headquarter E.D.C., Mitchell Field, N.Y., consisting of one enlisted man.
2. During the subsequent thirty days the total strength of this unit swelled to twenty-eight officers and eighty-one enlisted men. After a brief period of training at Detrick Field, on 15 August 1942 the cadre of the Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 2d Bombardment Wing moved to Ft Dix, New Jersey, from where they proceeded to their port of embarkation, boarded the Queen Elizabeth and crossed the Atlantic in six days without incident. Arriving in Glasgow, Scotland at dusk, 6 September 1942, the unit immediately debarked and entrained for its station, Old Catton, a suburb of Norwich, Norfolk County, England, where it arrived 7 September 1942.
3. While the cadre of the Hq. & Hq. Sq’n, 2d Bombardment Wing, was in process of formation and transfer to the ETO. the 2d Bombardment Wing’s Headquarters was being established by the VIII Bomber Command with Colonel (now Brigadier General) Newton Longfellow in command and Old Catton as the location of its headquarters. While this organization existed only on paper it underwent some changes before the cadre arrived in the ETO. First its name was redesignated the 2d Provisional Bombardment Wing on 13 August 1942, and redesignated again the 2d Bombardment Wing 7 September 1942 when the cadre arrived. Secondly, its commander was succeeded by Colonel (now Major General) J. P. Hodges of Washington, D.C.
4. The first General Order was issued 7 September 1942 announcing the assumption of command by Colonel J.P. Hodges. By 11 September 1942 the staff had been organized and assigned to the presentation for, reception and training of the air and ground echelon units which were to be assigned to the Wing.
5. 22 September 1942 the initial assignment of the six airdromes (Bungay, Hardwick, Hethel, Shipdham, Tibenham and Wendling), was made to the 2d Bombardment Wing. (The first airdrome to be occupied was Shipdham 10 October 1942 by the 44th Bombardment Group). Higher headquarters, 14 January 1943, expanded the Wing into a Division and eight more airdromes (Attlebridge, Rackheath, North Pickenham, Seething, Halesworth, Horsham, Old Buckenham, Metfield) were assigned to a 2d Bombardment Wing at the same time.
6. In the meantime, on 6 December 1942, three squadrons of the recently assigned 93rd Bomb Group, fresh from 1st Bombardment Wing, had been sent to North Africa where they flew twenty-three missions and returned to the UK during the period from 26 February to 5 March 1943. Later, in June 1943, 93rd and 389th Bomb Groups were sent to participate in the second North African Expedition. These three groups returned to the UK, flew a few missions and then were sent on a third North African Expedition. The purpose of that mission was to furnish additional air support for relief of the grace situation which was facing the 5th Army at that time at Salerno, Italy. The mission was not completed before 4 October 1943.
7. The 2nd Bombardment Wing on 13 September 1943 had become the 2nd Bombardment Division with its headquarters at Horsham St. Faiths (later, 26 December 1943, was transferred to Ketteringham Hall, Norfolk, England, where it remained until its departure and return to the Z0I, 10-15 June 1945). By 11 June 1944 the new organization had acquired fourteen heavy bombardment groups and a total strength of 6,696 officers and 35,509 enlisted personnel.
8. 1 January 1945, the 2nd Bombardment Division had become the 2nd Air Division, comprising of twelve heavy bombardment groups, a fighter wing and five fighter groups with a total combined strength of 8,458 officers and 42,411 enlisted personnel or a grand total of 50,869 personnel.
9. The 2nd Air Division flew its first mission on 7 November 1942 and its last mission on 25 April 1945. It flew a total of 463 missions, dropping a total of 199,564 tons of bombs and is officially credited with destroying 1,139 German planes by the bombers. Some of the famous missions flown by the 2nd Division have been the attacks on Kiel, Germany 13 May 1943 when incendiaries were dropped for the first time in the ETO; Rome on 19 July, Ploesti, Roumania 1 August 1943, Gotha, Germany 24 February 1944, Berlin on 4 March 1944, St. Lo on 25 July 1944, the low-level Arnhem-Nimigen Supply Mission 18 September 1944, and many many others. During January, February and March 1945 the 2nd Air Division led the 8th Air Force in Bombing efficiency, rising to the incomparable record of having 57% of all its bombs fall within 1,000 feet of the target during those three months.
III. Stations and Arms:
(for this list - see under individual groups)
IV. Citations:
1. Although the 2nd Air Division has not received official notification of a Presidential Citation for the period of 18 March - 24 March 1945 (the crossing of the Rhine), the 8th Air Force has cited the entire Division for its effort.
The history of the 2d Combat Bomb Wing goes back to 25 March 1943 when it was activated as the 201st Provisional Combat Wing (HB). Brigadier General Edward J. Timberlake, Jr., then Colonel and Commanding Officer of the 93rd Bomb Group (H), assumed command the following day. The 44th and 93rd Bomb Groups were assigned to the new Wing, and the first operational mission was flown to Bordeaux on 17 May 1943.
Early in June preparations were begun for the outstanding low-level attack on the great Rumanian oil center at Ploesti, an operation known as “Tidal Wave”. Movement to Benghazi started on 20 June. By the end of the month the two groups together with the newly arrived 389th Bomb Group were established at their African bases. Because of the impending invasion of the soft under belly of Europe “Tidal Wave” was put aside and the operation known as “Husky”, the softening up of Italy, was taken up by the Wing. This continued until 20 July when “Tidal Wave” preparations were resumed. The actual attack was made on 1 August with outstanding results, but not without heavy losses being suffered. On the 14th of August “Post Husky”, a series of operations in support of the Sicilian Campaign began and continued until the 22nd of the month. On the 29th the Wing started back to England, arriving at Hethel on 2 September. On 14 September 1943 the Wing was redesigned the 2d Combat Bomb Wing (H) and as much has continued to be known.
On 16 September General Timberlake was relieved of command of the Wing and took over command of 2dBombardment Division. Brigadier General James P. Hodges left the Division and took over the Wing, and next day the Wing and the three Groups set off for Tunis to cooperate with the forces employed in the Italian campaign. Four missions were flown from African bases. Back in England again General Hodges returned to Division and General Timberlake resumed command of the Wing on 4 October. The 44th Group was transferred to the 14th Combat Bomb Wing (H) leaving the Wing with the veteran 93rd and 389th Groups. These were joined in November by the newly arrived 445th, and later the 93rd was transferred to the 20th Combat Bomb Wing (H). When the 453rd Group arrived from the Zone of Interior it joined the Wing.
The new Groups were rapidly and successfully oriented to operations in this Theater and the Wing continued to play an exceptionally important role in the great battle against Germany.
On 7 August 1944 General Timberlake departed for the Zone of Interior and was succeeded by Colonel Milton W. Arnold. Upon his return
from the Zone of Interior in September General Timberlake took over command of the 20th Wing and Colonel Arnold remained in command of
the Wing throughout the rest of its operational career, not leaving until 10 May when he moved to 2nd Air Division as Chief of Staff. He was succeeded by Colonel James M. Stewart.
During its career the 2d Combat Bomb Wing (H) has built up a record that is indeed enviable. It has participated with distinction in the following campaigns: Air Offensive Europe, Sicilian Campaign, Air Combat Ploesti-Rumania, Naples-Foggia Campaign, Campaign Normandy, Campaign Northern France and Campaign Germany. During these campaigns its aircraft have made 22,194 operational sorties, dropped 53,158.2 tons of bombs and scored claims against enemy aircraft of 488 destroyed, 90 probably destroyed and 124 damaged. War Department Unit Citations were given to the Groups participating in “Tidal Wave” and the 445th Group received a like recognition for its gallant performance on 24 February 1944 in the attack on Gotha.
A complete list of the operational missions flown by the Wing is
12 May 1945
Date Field Order Number Targets Attacked _
17 May 1943 201st Prov CW #1 Bordeaux Shipbuilding & Engineering shops
29 May 1943 201st Prov CW #2 LaPallice Port Area
2 July 1943 IX BC Lecce A/D; San Pancrazio A/D
5 July 1943 IX BC Messina M/Y
6 July 1943 IX BC Gerbini Satellite #6
7 July 1943 IX BC Gerbini Satellite #6
8 July 1943 IX BC Cantania Telephone & Telegraph Buildings
9 July 1943 IX BC Comiso A/D; Maleme A/D
10 July 1943 IX BC Catania M/Y; Vibo Valentia A/D
11 July 1943 IX BC Reggio Di Calabria A/D
12 July 1943 IX BC San Giovanni; Reggio DiCalabria
13 July 1943 IX BC Vibo Valentia A/D; Crotone A/D
14 July 1943 IX BC Messina M/Y
15 July 1943 IX BC Foggia Main A/D; Foggia Satellite #1
16 July 1943 IX BC Bari A/D
17 July 1943 IX BC Naples M/Y
19 July 1943 IX BC Littorio M/Y
1 August 1943 IX BC #58 Ploesti Oil Refineries
14 August 1943 IX BC #59 Weiner Neustadt
16 August 1943 IX BC #60 Foggia Satellite #2
19 August 1943 IX BC #61 Foggia M/Y
21 August 1943 IX BC #62 Cancello A/D
6 Sept 1943 201st Prov CW #6 Diversion
7 Sept 1943 201st Prov CW #7 Leeuwarden A/D
9 Sept 1943 201st Prov CW #8 St Omer/Fort Rouge; St Omer/Longueness
9 Sept 1943 201st Prov CW #9 *Conches
15 Sept 1943 201st Prov CW #12 Chartres; Chateau Dun A/D
21 Sept 1943 2CBW #1 Leghorn, Bastia
24 Sept 1943 2CBW #2 Pisa, M/Y
25 Sept 1943 2CBW #3 *Lucca & Albovola A/D’s
1 Oct 1943 2CBW #5 Wiener Neustadt
8 Oct 1943 2CBW #14 Vegasack Docks
9 Oct 1943 2CBW #15 Danzig Docks
10 Oct 1943 2CBW #16 Diversion
14 Oct 1943 2CBW #20 **Schweinfurt
18 Oct 1943 2CBW #22 Diversion
30 Oct 1943 2CBW #26 *Gelsenkirchen
3 Nov 1943 2CBW #27 Wilhelmshaven Docks
5 Nov 1943 2CBW #29 Munster M/Y
13 Nov 1943 2CBW #32 Bremen
16 Nov 1943 2CBW #33 Rjukan Power Plant
18 Nov 1943 2CBW #34 Kjeller A/D
26 Nov 1943 2CBW #38 Bremen
30 Nov 1943 2CBW #39 *Solingen
1 Dec 1943 2CBW #40 Solingen
5 Dec 1943 2CBW #41 *Cognac A/D
11 Dec 1943 2CBW #42 Emden Docks
13 Dec 1943 2CBW #43 Kiel Docks
16 Dec 1943 2CBW #45 Bremen
20 Dec 1943 2CBW #46 Bremen
22 Dec 1943 2CBW #47 Osnabruck
24 Dec 1943 2CBW #49 Eclimeaux & Bonnieres Rocket Sites
30 Dec 1943 2CBW #50 Ludwigshaven
31 Dec 1943 2CBW #51 St Jean D’Angeley A/D; Landes DeBussac
4 Jan 1944 2CBW #52 Kiel Docks
5 Jan 1944 2CBW #53 Kiel Docks
7 Jan 1944 2CBW #55 Ludwigshafen
11 Jan 1944 2CBW #56 Lingen; Meppen
14 Jan 1944 2CBW #57 Yrench Bois Carre & Bommieres Rocket Sites
21 Jan 1944 2CBW #61 Eclimeaux & Bannières Rocket Sites
24 Jan 1944 2CBW #62 *Russelsheim; *Frankfurt
29 Jan 1944 2CBW #64 Frankfurt
30 Jan 1944 2CBW #65 Braunschweig
31 Jan 1944 2CBW #67 St Pol Siracourt Rocket Sites
2 Feb 1944 2CBW #69 St Pol Siracourt Rocket Sites
3 Feb 1944 2CBW #70 *Emden
4 Feb 1944 2CBW #71 Frankfurt Area
5 Feb 1944 2CBW #72 Tour Armament Depot
6 Feb 1944 2CBW #73 Eclimeaux Rocket Sites
8 Feb 1944 2CBW #74 Watten Rocket Sites
9 Feb 1944 2CBW #75 *Gotha A/C
10 Feb 1944 2CBW #76 Gilze-Rijen A/D
11 Feb 1944 2CBW #77 ***Pasde Calais Military Installations
12 Feb 1944 2CBW #78 St Pol Siracourt Rocket Sites
13 Feb 1944 2CBW #79 Siracourt & Bonnieres Rocket Sites
15 Feb 1944 2CBW #81 St Pol Siracourt Rocket Sites
20 Feb 1944 2CBW #82 Braunschweig
21 Feb 1944 2CBW #83 Diepholz & Steinfeld A/D
22 Feb 1944 2CBW #84 *Gotha A/C factory
24 Feb 1944 2CBW #86 Gotha A/C factory
25 Feb 1944 2CBW #87 Furth A/D
29 Feb 1944 2CBW #90 Lottingham/Les Grandes Rocket Sites
3 Mar 1944 2CBW #91 *Oranieburg A/D
5 Mar 1944 2CBW #93 Cognac A/D; Landes De Bussac A/D
6 Mar 1944 2CBW #94 Berlin/Genshagen A/C Factory
8 Mar 1944 2CBW #96 Berlin/Erkner factory
9 Mar 1944 2CBW #97 Hannover
13 Mar 1944 2CBW #98 Tillencourt; Flixecourt; Bonnieres Rocket Sites
15 Mar 1944 2CBW #99 Braunschweig
16 Mar 1944 2CBW #100 Friedrichshafen Motor Works
18 Mar 1944 2CBW #102 Friedrichshafen Motor Works
20 Mar 1944 2CBW #103 *Frankfurt Motor Works
22 Mar 1944 2CBW #104 Basdorf (Berlin) Aero Engine Factory
23 Mar 1944 2CBW #105 Handorf Field
24 Mar 1944 2CBW #106 St Dizier
26 Mar 1944 2CBW #108 St Pol Siracourt & Flixecourt Rocket Sites
27 Mar 1944 2CBW #109 Pau/Pont Long A/D
1 Apr 1944 2CBW #111 Pforzheim
8 Apr 1944 2CBW #113 Braunschweig A/C Works
9 Apr 1944 2CBW #114 Tutow A/D
10 Apr 1944 2CBW #115 Orleans/Bricy A/D
11 Apr 1944 2CBW #116 Oschersleben A/C Works
12 Apr 1944 2CBW #117 *Zwickau A/D
13 Apr 1944 2CBW #118 Oberpaffenhofen A/D
18 Apr 1944 2CBW #119 Rathenow A/C Factory
19 Apr 1944 2CBW #120 Paderborn A/D
20 Apr 1944 2CBW #121 Wizerness Military Installations
21 Apr 1944 2CBW #122 *Brux
22 Apr 1944 2CBW #123 Hamm M/Y; Koblenz M/Y
24 Apr 1944 2CBW #125 Gablingen A/D
25 Apr 1944 2CBW #126 Mannheim M/Y; Andon M/Y
26 Apr 1944 2CBW #127 ***Cutersloh A/D
27 Apr 1944 2CBW #128 Watton; Minoyecques Rocket Sites
27 Apr 1944 2CBW #129 Chalons M/Y; Blainville
28 Apr 1944 2CBW #130 Marquis Rocket Sites
29 Apr 1944 2CBW #131 Berlin
30 Apr 1944 2CBW #132 Siracourt
1 May 1944 2CBW #133 Watton, Marquise & Minoyecques Rocket Sites
1 May 1944 2CBW #134 Brussels M/Y; Watton Rocket Site
2 May 1944 2CBW #135 Siracourt Rocket Sites
4 May 1944 2CBW #136 *Braunschweig
7 May 1944 2CBW #137 Osnabruck M/Y; Munster M/Y
8 May 1944 2CBW #138 Braunschweig
9 May 1944 2CBW #139 Florence A/D
10 May 1944 2CBW #140 *Gutersloh A/D
11 May 1944 2CBW #141 Belfort M/Y; Mulhouse M/Y;Chaumont M/Y
12 May 1944 2CBW #142 Zeitz Synthetic Oil Refinery
13 May 1944 2CBW #143 Tutow A/D
15 May 1944 2CBW #144 Siracourt Rocket Sites
19 May 1944 2CBW #148 Braunschweig M/Y
20 May 1944 2CBW #149 Reims M/Y
22 May 1944 2CBW #150 Siracourt Rocket Sites
23 May 1944 2CBW #151 Orleans/Bricy A/D
24 May 1944 2CBW #152 Orly A/D
25 May 1944 2CBW #153 Troyes M/Y; Bretigny M/Y;Tonnnere M/Y
25 May 1944 2CBW #154 FeCamp Rocket Site
27 May 1944 2CBW #155 Saerbrucken M/Y
27 May 1944 2CBW #156 FeCamp Rocket Site
28 May 1944 2CBW #157 Merseburg Oil Refinery
29 May 1944 2CBW #158 Politz Oil Refinery
30 May 1944 2CBW #159 Oldenburg A/D
31 May 1944 2CBW #160 *Lumes M/Y
2 Jun 1944 2CBW #162 St. Aubin & Berck Military
2 Jun 1944 2CBW #162 St. Aubin & Berck Military Installations
3 Jun 1944 2CBW #163 Berck Military Installations
4 Jun 1944 2CBW #168 Romorantin A/D
6 Jun 1944 2CBW #170 St Laurent; Hamel Au Petre; Vierville Beachhead Area
6 Jun 1944 2CBW #171 ***St Lo Coastal Guns
6 Jun 1944 2CBW #172 Caen Coastal Guns
6 Jun 1944 2CBW #173 St Lo Coastal Guns
7 Jun 1944 2CBW #174 Argentan Railway Choke Point
8 Jun 1944 2CBW #175 RR nr Avranches; RR nr Etinnes; RP. Junction nr Redon
8 Jun 1944 2CBW #176 Bourg RR Bridge; Chateau Briant RR Bridge
10 Jun 1944 2CBW #177 Druex A/F
11 Jun 1944 2CBW #178 ***LePort Boulet Bridge
11 Jun 1944 2CBW #179 Cormeilles Enexin A/F
12 Jun 1944 2CBW #180 Conches A/F; DeCoquet Bridges
13 Jun 1944 2CBW #183 Vincomte Sur Rance Bridge;Montfort & Porcaro Bridges
14 Jun 1944 2CBW #184 Chauteaudun A/D
15 Jun 1944 2CBW #186 Clinq Mars Bridge; LePort Boulet Bridge
17 Jun 1944 2CBW #189 Bretigny A/FC
18 Jun 1944 2CBW #190 Hamburg Oil Storage
19 Jun 1944 2CBW #191 Belloy Sur Somme; Vignacourt; Fienvillers Rocket Sites
19 Jun 1944 2CBW #192 Belloy Sur Somme; Vignacourt; Fienvillers Rocket Sites
20 Jun 1944 2CBW #194 Politz Synthetic Oil
20 Jun 1944 2CBW #195 Fienvillers; Autheux; St Martin L’Hortier Rocket Sites
20 Jun 1944 2CBW #196 Installations 3 miles NW of St Martin L’Hortier
21 Jun 1944 2CBW #197 Berlin A/C works
21 Jun 1944 2CBW #198 St Martin L/Hortier Rocket Site
23 Jun 1944 2CBW #199 Juvincourt A/F
24 Jun 1944 2CBW #200 Conches A/F
24 Jun 1944 2CBW #201 Pont-A-Avendin Electric Power Plant; Les Bruyeres A/D
25 Jun 1944 2CBW #202 Mazingarbe; Beuvry; Hazebrouck; Hole
25 Jun 1944 2CBW #203 Montreuil Rd Junction
27 Jun 1944 2CBW #205 Crecil Tunnel
28 Jun 1944 2CBW #206 Saarbrucken M/Y
29 Jun 1944 2CBW #207 Kothen Aero Engine Works; Stendal; Braunschweig
2 July 1944 2CBW #209 Renescure Rocket Site; Sautrecourt M/Y
5 July 1944 2CBW #211 L’Isle Adam Rocket Site; Bois DeCassen Area; Mery Suroise Ammunition Dump
6 July 1944 2CBW #212 Blangermont; Mont Louis; Haut Maisnil; Belo Sur Sommer; Hautecote; Vignacourt; Humieres Rocket Sites
7 July 1944 2CBW #214 Halle A/C plant; Lutzkendorf SynOil
8 July 1944 2CBW #215 *Jussey & Beautor Bridges
11 July 1944 2CBW #217 Munich/Reim A/D
12 July 1944 2CBW #218 Munich A/F
13 July 1944 2CBW #220 Saarbrucken M/Y
16 July 1944 2CBW #222 Saarbrucken M/Y
17 July 1944 2CBW #223 Belfort M/Y; Nanteuil Sur Marne Bridge
18 July 1944 2CBW #224 Soldier Area
19 July 1944 2CBW #226 Laupheim A/C Works; Leipheim A/F
20 July 1944 2CBW #227 Gotha A/C Works
21 July 1944 2CBW #228 Saarbrucken M/Y
23 July 1944 2CBW #229 Laon/Couvron A/F
24 July 1944 2CBW #230 ***Area NW of St Lo
25 July 1944 2CBW #231 Area NW of St Lo
28 July 1944 2CBW #236 *Tactical Tgts NE of Paris
29 July 1944 2CBW #237 Been Synthetic Oil
31 July 1944 2CBW #238 Indwigshaven Chemical Works
1 August 1944 2CBW #239 Nugent Bridge; Charley Sur Marme Bridge; Montereou Coulommiers Bridge
2 August 1944 2CBW #240 Nugent Bridge; Sens Fuel Dump; Neuvy Bridge
3 August 1944 2CBW #241 Melun M/Y; Conches A/F;Etampes A/F
4 August 1944 2CBW #242 Schwerin A/C Factory
4 August 1944 2CBW #243 Mont Louis Ferme & Haug Maisnil Military Installations
5 August 1944 2CBW #244 Braunschweig A/C Engine Works
6 August 1944 2CBW #245 Harburg (Hamburg) Oil Storage
7 August 1944 2CBW #246 Recques Sur Course Fuel Dump;Frevent Ry Junction
8 August 1944 2CBW #247 Pas de Calais Military Installations
9 August 1944 2CBW #248 Saarbrücken M/Y
11 August 1944 2CBW #249 Strasbourg Oil Depot
13 August 1944 2CBW #250 St Malo Area; Ile de Cezembre Coastal Guns
14 August 1944 2CBW #251 Fismes Bridge; Anise Le Chateau Bridge
15 August 1944 2CBW #252 Zwischenann A/F
16 August 1944 2CBW #253 Dessau A/C Engine Works
18 August 1944 2CBW #254 Metz/Frescaty A/F
24 August 1944 2CBW #256 Braunschweig Motor Works
25 August 1944 2CBW #257 Wismar A/C Works
25 August 1944 2CBW #258 Tertre; La Louviere Chemical Works
26 August 1944 2CBW #259 Eindhoven A/D; Emmerich Oil Refinery
27 August 1944 2CBW #261 *Basdorf A/C Engine Works; *Oranienburg A/F
30 August 1944 2CBW #262 Fleury Flers Military Installations
1 Sept 1944 2CBW #263 *Forst De Haguenan
5 Sept 1944 2CBW #264 Karlsruhe M/Y
8 Sept 1944 2CBW #266 Karlsruhe M/Y
9 Sept 1944 2CBW #267 Gustavsburg; Mainz M/Y
10 Sept 1944 2CBW #268 Ulm M/Y
11 Sept 1944 2CBW #269 Misburg Synthetic Oil
12 Sept 1944 2CBW #270 Wooster; Lehrte M/Y
13 Sept 1944 2CBW #271 Ulm Ordnance Depot; Weissenhorn Oil Storage
21 Sept 1944 2CBW #275 Koblenz M/Y
22 Sept 1944 2CBW #276 Kassel M/Y
25 Sept 1944 2CBW #277 Koblenz M/Y
26 Sept 1944 2CBW #278 Hamm M/Y
27 Sept 1944 2CBW #279 Kassel Tank Works
28 Sept 1944 2CBW #280 Kassel Tank Works
30 Sept 1944 2CBW #281 Hamm M/Y
2 Oct 1944 2CBW #283 Hamm M/Y
3 Oct 1944 2CBW #284 Speyer A/F; Lachen Speyerdorf A/F
5 Oct 1944 2CBW #286 Rheine M/Y
6 Oct 1944 2CBW #287 Glinde (Hamburg) Ordinance Depot
7 Oct 1944 2CBW #288 Kassel A/C Engine Works
9 Oct 1944 2CBW #290 Koblenz M/Y
12 Oct 1944 2CBW# 293 Osnabruck M/Y
14 Oct 1944 2CBW# 295 “A” Kaiserlautern M/Y
14 Oct 1944 2CBW #295 “B” Cologne M/Y
15 Oct 1944 2CBW #296 Reisholz Oil Refinery
17 Oct 1944 2CBW #297 Cologne M/Y
18 Oct 1944 2CBW #298 Koln; Leverkusen Motor Works
19 Oct 1944 2CBW #299 Mainz M/Y
22 Oct 1944 2CBW #301 Hamm M/Y
25 Oct 1944 2CBW #305 Gelsenkirchen Synthetic Oil; Neumonster Air Depot
26 Oct 1944 2CBW #306 Minden Acqueduct
26 Oct 1944 2CBW #307 Munster M/Y
30 Oct 1944 2CBW #311 Hamburg Oil Refinery
1 Nov 1944 2CBW #313 Gelsenkirchen Synthetic Oil Refinery
2 Nov 1944 2CBW #314 Castrop Rauxel Synthetic Oil Refinery
2 Nov 1944 2CBW #315 Bielefeld Ry Viaduct
4 Nov 1944 2CBW #318 Gelsenkirchen Synthetic Oil Refinery
5 Nov 1944 2CBW #319 Karlsruhe M/Y
6 Nov 1944 2CBW #321 Sterkrade Oil Refinery
6 Nov 1944 2CBW #322 Minden Canal
8 Nov 1944 2CBW #323 Rheine M/Y
9 Nov 1944 2CBW #324 Metz Area
10 Nov 1944 2CBW #325 Hanau Airdrome
11 Nov 1944 2CBW #326 Bottrop Synthetic Oil Plant
20 Nov 1944 2CBW #333 *Bottrop Synthetic Oil Plant
21 Nov 1944 2CBW #334 Hamburg Oil Installations
25 Nov 1944 2CBW #339 Bingen M/Y
26 Nov 1944 2CBW #340 Misburg Oil Refinery; Bielefeld Ry Viaduct
27 Nov 1944 2CBW #341 Offenburg M/Y
29 Nov 1944 2CBW #342 Altenbeken Ry Viaduct
30 Nov 1944 2CBW #343 Homburg M/Y
2 Dec 1944 2CBW #344 Bingen M/Y
4 Dec 1944 2CBW #346 Bebra M/Y
5 Dec 1944 2CBW #347 Munster M/Y
6 Dec 1944 2CBW #348 Minden Canal
10 Dec 1944 2CBW #352 Bingen M/Y
11 Dec 1944 2CBW #353 Maximiliansau Ry Bridge
11 Dec 1944 2CBW #354 Hanau M/Y
12 Dec 1944 2CBW #355 Hanau M/Y; Freeburg M/Y
18 Dec 1944 2CBW #359 *Koblenz M/Y
18 Dec 1944 2CBW #360 *Ry Junction nr Gerolstein
19 Dec 1944 2CBW #361 Bitburg Ry Junction
19 Dec 1944 2CBW #362 Ehrang M/Y
23 Dec 1944 2CBW #365 Junkerath Ry Choke Point
24 Dec 1944 2CBW #366 Rd Junction nr Cochen, Mayen & Bitburg
25 Dec 1944 2CBW #367 Pelm Ry & Rd Junction; Wahlen Choke Point
27 Dec 1944 2CBW #368 Kaiserlautern M/Y
28 Dec 1944 2CBW #369 Homburg M/Y; Neunkirchen M/Y
29 Dec 1944 2CBW #370 Neuwied Ry Bridge; Zulpich Rd Choke Point; Feusdorf; St Vith
30 Dec 1944 2CBW #371 Euskirchen Ry Junction
31 Dec 1944 2CBW #372 Koblenz Ry Bridge; Ry Bridge nr Guls; Bingen
1 Jan 1945 2CBW #373 Ramangen & Neuwied Ry Bridges
2 Jan 1945 2CBW #374 Ry Bridges nr Guls & Koblenz
3 Jan 1945 2CBW #375 Homburg M/Y; Pirmassen Ry Junction
5 Jan 1945 2CBW #376 Sobernheim Rd Junction; Neustadt Ry Junction
6 Jan 1945 2CBW #377 Bonn Rd Bridge; Koblenz Mosel M/Y
7 Jan 1945 2CBW #378 Zwierbrucken Ry M/Y
8 Jan 1945 2CBW #379 *Bitburg Rd Junction; Neuerburg Rd Junction
10 Jan 1945 2CBW #382 Rd Bridges nr Steinebruck; Schonoberg; Weweler
13 Jan 1945 2CBW #384 Rudesheim Ry Bridge
14 Jan 1945 2CBW #385 Ehmen Oil Storage Depot
15 Jan 1945 2CBW #386 Reutlingen M/Y; Tubingen; Urach
16 Jan 1945 2CBW #387 Magdeburg Synthetic Oil Plant; Magdeburg Stell Casting & Armament Works
17 Jan 1945 2CBW #388 Harburg Oil Refineries
21 Jan 1945 2CBW #391 Heilbronn M/Y
28 Jan 1945 2CBW #395 Dortmund Synthetic Oil Refineries
29 Jan 1945 2CBW #396 Hamm Ry M/Y; Soest Ry M/Y
31 Jan 1945 2CBW #397 *Hallendorf Steel Works
3 Feb 1945 2CBW #399 Magdeburg Ry M/Y
6 Feb 1945 2CBW #401 Magdeburg Ry M/Y
8 Feb 1945 2CBW #405 *Bielefeld Ry Viaduct; *Rheine M/Y
9 Feb 1945 2CBW #406 Bielefeld Ry Viaduct
9 Feb 1945 2CBW #407 Magdeburg Distillation Plant
11 Feb 1945 2CBW #410 Dulmen Underground Oil Storage
14 Feb 1945 2CBW #412 Magdeburg M/Y
15 Feb 1945 2CBW #413 Magdeburg Synthetic Oil Plant
16 Feb 1945 2CBW #414 Rheine M/Y; Burgsteinfurt City
17 Feb 1945 2CBW #415 *Aschoffenburg Tank Depot; *Magdeburg Synthetic Oil Plant
19 Feb 1945 2CBW #417 Jungethal Tank Works
20 Feb 1945 2CBW #418 *Nurnberg Industrial Area
21 Feb 1945 2CBW #419 Nurnberg M/Y
22 Feb 1945 2CBW #420 Halberstadt M/Y; Sangerhausen M/Y; Vienenburg M/Y; Nordhausen M/Y; Oker M/Y Wallhausen M/Y
23 Feb 1945 2CBW #421 Paderborn M/Y
24 Feb 1945 2CBW #422 Lehrte M/Y; Bielefeld M/Y; Misburg M/Y
25 Feb 1945 2CBW #423 Giebelstadt A/F
26 Feb 1945 2CBW #424 Berlin Industrial Area
27 Feb 1945 2CBW #425 Halle Ry M/Y
28 Feb 1945 2CBW #426 Arnsberg Ry M/Y
1 Mar 1945 2CBW #427 Ingolstadt Ry Repair Shop
2 Mar 1945 2CBW #428 Magdeburg M/Y
3 Mar 1945 2CBW #429 Magdeburg Synthetic Oil Plant
4 Mar 1945 2CBW #430 *Giebelstadt A/F
5 Mar 1945 2CBW #431 Harburg Oil Refinery
7 Mar 1945 2CBW #432 Soest Ry M/Y
8 Mar 1945 2CBW #433 Siegen Ry Centre
9 Mar 1945 2CBW #434 Munster Ry M/Y
10 Mar 1945 2CBW #435 Paderborn Ry Workshops; Bielefeld Ry Viaduct
11 Mar 1945 2CBW #436 Kiel Submarine & Warship Building Yards
12 Mar 1945 2CBW #437 Swinemunde Port Area
12 Mar 1945 2CBW #438 Wetzlar M/Y
15 Mar 1945 2CBW #440 Zossen Army Hq & Tank Depot; Gardelegen M/Y
17 Mar 1945 2CBW #442 Munster M/Y
18 Mar 1945 2CBW #443 Henningsdorf Locomotive Works nr Berlin; Tegel Locomotive Works
19 Mar 1945 2CBW #444 Neuburg A/F; Baumenheim A/C Factory
20 Mar 1945 2CBW #445 Hemmingstedt Oil Refinery; Heligoland Submarine Base
21 Mar 1945 2CBW #446 Achmar A/F
21 Mar 1945 2CBW #447 Essen A/F
22 Mar 1945 2CBW #448 Giebelstadt A/F
23 Mar 1945 2CBW #449 Munster Ry Centre
24 Mar 1945 2CBW #450 Wesel (Dropping supplies to troops during Rheine River crossing)
24 Mar 1945 2CBW #451 Stormede Landing Field
25 Mar 1945 2CBW #452 Ehmen Underground Oil Storage Depot
30 Mar 1945 2CBW #453 Wilhelmshaven Submarine Pens
31 Mar 1945 2CBW #455 Brunswick Airframe Factories & M/
2 Apr 1945 2CBW #457 *Aalfborg A/F
4 Apr 1945 2CBW #459 Wessendorf A/F; Perleberg A/F; Parchim A/F
5 Apr 1945 2CBW #460 Plauen City; Grafenwohr Ord Depot
6 Apr 1945 2CBW #461 Halle Ry Station and M/Y
7 Apr 1945 2CBW #462 Duneberg Dynamite Plant; Neumunster M/Y
8 Apr 1945 2CBW #463 Furth A/C Factory
9 Apr 1945 2CBW #464 Memmingen A/F
10 Apr 1945 2CBW #465 Rechlin A/F; Schwerin A/F
11 Apr 1945 2CBW #467 Amberg M/Y
14 Apr 1945 2CBW #470 Royan Area
15 Apr 1945 2CBW #471 Royan Area
16 Apr 1945 2CBW #472 Landshut Ry Centre
17 Apr 1945 2CBW #473 Ry Bridge & Facilities nr Falknov
18 Apr 1945 2CBW #474 Passau Ry Facilities
20 Apr 1945 2CBW #476 Klatovy Ry Junction
21 Apr 1945 2CBW #477 *Salzburg Ry M/Y
25 Apr 1945 2CBW #479 Salzburg Ry M/Y
* Mission abandoned due to weather; no tgts attacked.
** Diversion; no tgts attacked.
*** Tgts to be bombed visually only; no tgts bombed because of overcast
The 2d Combat Bomb Wing (H) was activated as the 201st Provisional Combat Wing (HB) on 25 March 1943. On 14 September 1943
it was redesignated the 2d Combat Bomb Wing (H). During its operational career in the European Theater of Operations it was under the command of the following officers:
Brigadier General E.J. Timberlake, Jr.
26 March 1943 - 16 September 1943
4 October 1943 - 7 August 1944
Major General (then Brigadier) James P. Hodges
16 September 1943 - 4 October 1943
Brigadier General (then Colonel) Milton W. Arnold
7 August 1944 - 10 May 1945
The first mission was flown on 17 May 1943 and its final one on 25 April 1945. During this period its Groups made 22,194 operational sorties, dropping 53,158 tons of bombs on enemy installations in all parts of enemy-occupied Europe, while their gunners destroyed 488 enemy fighters in combat. Twice during 1943 the Wing operated from bases in North Africa, but the great majority of its missions were flown from England, where its headquarters was located at Hethel, Norfolk.
Units of the 2d Combat Wing (H) participated in the following campaigns:
Air Offensive Europe 17 May 1943 - 5 June 1944
Sicilian Campaign 9 July 1943 - 17 August 1943
Air Combat Ploesti -Roumania 1 August 1943
Naples-Foggia Campaign 18 August 1943 - 9 September1943
Normandy Campaign 6 June 1944 - 24 July 1944
Northern France Campaign 25 July 1944 - 14 September 1944
Rhineland Campaign 15 September 1944 - 21 March 1945
Ardennes Campaign 6 December 1944 - 25 January 1945
Central Europe Campaign 22 March 1945 - 25 April 1945
Three Groups received War Department Unit Citations while participating, under the Wing’s supervision, in the mission of 1 August 1943 to the Romanian oil installations at Ploesti. Another of its Groups received a War Department Unit Citation for the mission of 24 February 1944 to Gotha.
Major John L. Jerstad, one of the Wing’s Staff Officers, was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor (posthumous) for bravery on the Ploesti
mission of 1 August 1943.
During its operational career in England and in North Africa the following Groups served under the 2d Combat Bomb Wing (H):
44th Bombardment Group (H) at Shipdham (transferred to 14th Combat Bomb Wing (H)
93rd Bombardment Group (H) at Hardwick (transferred to 20th Combat Bomb Wing (H)
389th Bombardment Group (H) at Hethel
445th Bombardment Group (H) at Tibenham
453rd Bombardment Group (H) at Old Buckenham
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Historical Artifacts: We are looking for photos, documents and other types of artifacts including uniforms and gear of the 8th Air Force in World War II as well as other units and commands. We accept electronic/scans or originals of pictures and paper records. A General Order could be an award document that contains information on many servicemen. Special Orders may contain transfers or other information. Flight records, accident reports, maintenance logs, after action reports, pilot encounter reports, diaries and biorgraphies; all of these types of documents help us support or mission: preserving your history! Contact us today for instructions on sending us this material.
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