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352nd Fighter Group

Constituted as 352d Fighter Group on 29 Sep 1942. Activated on 1 Oct 1942. Served as part of the air defense force fc the US while training with P-47's for duty overseas. Moved to England, Jun-Jul 1943. Assigned to Eighth AF. Operated against the enemy in air combat over Europe from Sep 1943 to May 1941 using P-47's before converting to P-51's in Apr 1944. Flew numerous escort missions to cover the operations of bombers that attacked factories, V-weapon sites, submarine pens, and other targets on the Continent. Escorted bombers that struck German aircraft factories during Big Week, 20-25 Feb 1944. Received a DUC for performance in Germany on 8 May 1944: while escorting bombers to targets in Brunswick, the group routed an attack by a numerically superior force of German interceptors and then continued the battle against the enemy planes until lack of ammunition and shortage of fuel forced the group to withdraw and return to its base. Also flew counter-air patrols, and on many occasions strafed and dive-bombed airfields, locomotives, vehicles, troops, gun positions, and various other targets. Supported the invasion of Normandy in Jun 1944 by strafing and dive-bombing enemy communications, assisted the Allies in breaking through the German line at St Lo in Jul, and participated in the airborne attack on Holland in Sep. After the Germans launched a counteroffensive in the Ardennes in Dec 1944, the group's planes and pilots were sent to Belgium and placed under the control of Ninth AF for operations in the Battle of the Bulge (Dec 1944-Jan 1945). During that battle, on 1 Jan 1945, action by the detachment earned for the group the French Croix de Guerre with Palm: just as 12 of the detachment's lanes were taking off for an area patrol, the airdrome was attacked by about 50 German fighters; in the aerial battle that followed, the 352d shot down almost half the enemy planes without losing any of its own. In Feb 1945 the remainder of the group joined the detachment in Belgium for operations under the control of Eighth AF. While based on the Continent, the group participated in the airborne assault across the Rhine (Mar 1945). Returned to England in Apr and continued operations until a few days before V-E Day. Returned to the US in Nov. Inactivated on 10 Nov 1945.

Redesignated 113th Fighter Group. Allotted to ANG (DC) on 24 May 1946. Extended federal recognition on 2 Nov 1946. Ordered to active duty on 1 Feb 1951. Assigned to Air Defense Command. Redesignated 113th Fighter-Interceptor Group. Used F-84's during 1951; converted to F-94 aircraft in 1952. Inactivated on 6 Feb 1952. Relieved from active duty, returned to control of ANG (DC) and activated, on 1 Nov 1952. Redesignated 113th Fighter-Bomber Group in Dec 1952.

Squadrons. 121st: 1951-1952. 142d: 1951-1952. 148th: 1951-1952. 328th: 1942-1945. 486th (formerly 21st): 1942-1945. 487th (formerly 34th): 1942-1945.

Stations. Mitchel Field, NY, 1 Oct 1942; Bradley Field, Conn, Oct 1942; Westover Field, Mass, Nov 1942; Trumbull Field, Conn, c. 15 Jan 1943; Republic Field, NY, c. 9 Mar-Jun 1943; Bodney, England, 7 Jul 1943; Chievres, Belgium, c. 27 Jan 1945; Bodney, England, c. 14 Apr-3 Nov 1945; Camp Kilmer, NJ, c. 9-10 Nov 1945. Andrews AFB, Md, 1 Feb 1951; New Castle County Aprt, Del, 16 Feb 1951-6 Feb 1952.

Commanders. Lt Col Edwin M Ramage, c. Oct 1942; Col Joe L Mason, 17 May 1943; Col James D Mayden, 17 Nov 1944-unkn. Col Joseph Myers, 1951-unkn.

Campaigns. Air Offensive, Europe; Normandy; Northern France; Rhineland; Ardennes-Alsace; Central Europe.

Decorations. Distinguished Unit Citation: Brunswick, Germany, 8 May 1944. French Croix de Guerre with Palm: 1 Jan 1945.

Insigne. Shield: Azure, a stylized aircraft bendwise above and between two clouds issuing from dexter and sinister base all argent, the dexter cloud pierced by two lightning flashes saltirewise or; in chief two mullets gules, fimbriated of the second and in base three of the like. Motto: Custodes Pro Defensione - Guardians for Defense. (Approved 9 Mar 1954.)

Data from Air Force Combat Units of World War II By Maurer, Maurer, Published 1986

Veteran Roster

Roster of personnel of the 352nd Fighter Group in World War II.

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