Constituted as 94th Bombardment Group (Heavy) on 28 Jan 1942. Activated on 15 Jun 1942. Trained for duty overseas with B-17's. Moved to England, Apr-May 1943, and assigned to Eighth AF. Served chiefly as a strategic bombardment organization throughout the war. Flew its first mission on 13 Jun 1943, bombing an airdrome at St Omer. After that, attacked such strategic objectives as the port of St Nazaire, shipyards at Kiel, an aircraft component parts factory at Kassel, a synthetic rubber plant at Hannover, a chemical factory at Ludwigshafen, marshalling yards at Frankfurt, oil facilities at Merseburg, and ball-bearing works at Eberhausen. Withstood repeated assaults by enemy interceptors to bomb an aircraft factory at Regensburg on 17 Aug 1943, being awarded a DUC for the mission. Braving adverse weather, heavy flak, and savage fighter attacks, the group completed a strike against an aircraft parts factory in Brunswick on 11 Jan 1944 and received another DUC for this operation. Took part in the campaign of heavy bombers against the enemy aircraft industry during Big Week, 20-25 Feb 1944. Sometimes operated in support of ground forces and flew interdictory missions. Prior to D-Day in Jun 1944, helped to neutralize V-weapon sites, airdromes, and other military installations along the coast of France. On 6 Jun bombed enemy positions in the battle area to support the invasion of Normandy. Struck troops and gun batteries to aid the advance of the Allies at St Lo in Jul and at Brest in Aug. Covered the airborne attack on Holland in Sep. Hit marshalling yards, airfields, and strong points near the combat area during the Battle of the Bulge, Dec 1944-Jan 1945. Bombed transportation, communications, and oil targets in the final push over the Rhine and across Germany. After V-E Day, dropped leaflets to displaced persons and German civilians. Returned to the US in Dec 1945. Inactivated on 21 Dec 1945.
Redesignated 94th Bombardment Group (Very Heavy). Allotted to the reserve. Activated on 29 May 1947. Redesignated 94th Bombardment Group (Light) in Jun 1949. Called to active duty on 10 Mar 1951. Inactivated on 20 Mar 1951.
Redesignated 94th Tactical Reconnaissance Group. Allotted to the reserve. Activated on 14 Jun 1952. Redesignated 94th Bombardment Group (Tactical) in May 1955.
Squadrons. 331st: 1942-1945; 1947-1951; 1952-. 332d: 1942-1945; 1947-1951; 1952-. 333d: 1942-1945; 1947-1951; 1952-1955. 410th: 1942-1945; 1947-1951.
Stations. MacDill Field, Fla, 15 Jun 1942; Pendleton Field, Ore, c. 1 Jul 1942; Davis-Monthan Field, Ariz, Aug 1942; Biggs Field, Tex, 1 Nov 1942; Pueblo AAB, Colo, Jan-Apr 1943; Earls Colne, England, May 1943; Bury St Edmunds, England, 15 Jun 1943-c. 12 Dec 1945; Camp Kilmer, NJ, c. 20-21 Dec 1945. Marietta AAFld, Ga, 29 May 1947-20 Mar 1951. Dobbins AFB, Ga, 14 Jun 1952; Scott AFB, Ill, 18 May 1955-.
Commanders. Col John G Moore, 1942; Col Frederick W Castle, Jun 1943; Col Charles B Dougher, 17 Apr 1944; Col Nicholas T Perkins, 16 Mar 1945; Lt Col Ernest B Maxwell, 3 Jun 1945-unkn.
Campaigns. Air Offensive, Europe; Normandy; Northern France; Rhineland; Ardennes-Alsace; Central Europe.
Decorations. Distinguished Unit Citations: Germany, 17 Aug 1943; Germany, 11 Jan 1944.
Insigne. Shield: On a shield azure, over a cloud formation argent, a chimerical creature, with the body of a panther, the head of a buffalo all sable, horns, talons, and eyes proper, and eagle's wings or, crouching over the top of a sphere of the last, lined of the third, the creature snorting fire proper. Motto: Cunning - Rugged - Courageous. (Approved 6 Apr 1956.)
Data from Air Force Combat Units of World War II By Maurer, Maurer, Published 1986
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